20 Slogans On Water Conservation That Will Motivate You To Save Water

Penguin Tank
2 min readMar 26, 2021


Preserving water is something we all must do on a daily basis. Sadly, most people in India and even other parts of the world waste gallons of water which is absolutely wrong and unethical in these challenging times. We waste water in every aspect of our lives, either knowingly or unknowingly. Saving water is the best thing to do because there are many places in India where there is hardly any supply of clean drinking water. To motivate you to preserve every drop of water, here are 20 slogans on water conservation for you to must-read.

Water is priceless. Save this treasure with pleasure.

Today’s wastage is tomorrow’s shortage.

It’s time to realize, save water and be wise.

Save water every day and keep disaster away.

Do the Earth a favor, Be a water saver.

Fill the glass only as much you need, You will save a lot of water, that’s Guaranteed!

Save water today, or stay thirsty tomorrow.

Water is life and conservation is future, let’s save lives through water conservation!

Every drop of water counts, let’s save water in large amounts.

No matter what is your size, saving water is always wise.

Let’s walk on the sustainable path, Always take a zero waste bath.

No water, no life.

You can live without love but not without water.

Our lives are on the brink,

don’t let water waste in the sink.

If we don’t take care of the water cycle, it will not take care of our life cycle.

You are 60% water. Save 60% of YOURSELF.

Start water conservation, to prevent future dehydration.

If not now, then when? Save water before you see it end.

If you want to fulfil your tomorrow’s wishes…Don’t waste water while washing your dishes.

You never know the worth of water until the well runs dry.

Saving water has to become the norm in India. Save water and tell everyone around you to do the same. If you save water today, the future will thank you tomorrow. Let your water be stored inside a high-quality plastic water storage tank to avoid contamination. You can now buy economical and leak-proof water tanks from many renowned domestic and commercial water storage tank suppliers in West Bengal.



Penguin Tank
Penguin Tank

Written by Penguin Tank

Penguin Tank is a water storage tank manufacturer that offers a clean and durable plastic water storage tanks. Website : www.penguintank.com

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